Media Releases

Rising Interest Rates Will Crush the Federal Budget
The U.S. has been on an unsustainable fiscal and financial path for a long time. We are beginning to see the inevitable result.

The Goodman Institute – Seven Years On
In a short period of time, we have had some remarkable accomplishments. Here is a brief summary.

Health Care Components of the $3.5T (Or, Is It $5.5T?) Spending Plan
Spending Plan, The $3.5 Trillion Mistake!

If The Court Strikes Down Obamacare, How Bad Would That Be?
This article was coauthored by Linda Gorman, director of health care at the Independence Institute in Denver, Colorado.

Goodman at Forbes: What Socialism in Health Care Looks Like
Left-wing Democrats in Congress have decided on a new version of “Medicare for All.” Turns out its going to be nothing like the Medicare program seniors are used to. What they have in mind is what we see in Canada.

Saving and Gramm in the Wall Street Journal: The Fed’s Obama-Era Hangover
The Federal Reserve System is paying banks not to lend money under an Obama era policy.

You Cannot Control Health Care Costs by Pushing Down Prices
One of the very first things all students learn in their first economics course is the meaning of the word “cost.”

Republicans Adopt a Health Care Vision
A new congressional resolution explicitly states what an ideal health system should look like: It should take care of sick people.

Private Insurance Declined During the Obama Years, Despite $341 Billion in Subsidies
The percent of the population with private health insurance actually declined during the eight years of the Obama presidency, according to a new study produced by the Goodman Institute.

Study: Most of The Benefits of Tax Reform Are Not Going to The Wealthy
Although widely reported in the national news media, the claim that most of the benefits of tax reform are going to the wealthy is wrong according to economists whose ideas were used in shaping the legislation that was enacted last year.