Making Ideas
Change the World

Creating jobs, liberating taxpayers,
empowering patients, and more…

What We Have Accomplished

Turning Ideas
into Public Policy

Health Savings Accounts

Because of the idea of Health Savings Accounts, more than 30 million people are managing some of their own health care dollars in accounts they own and control.

401(k) Plans

Because of automatic enrollment in diversified portfolios, 16 million employees are enjoying higher and safer returns.

Social Security

Because of another idea, 78 million baby boomers are able to work beyond age 65 without losing Social Security benefits.

Roth IRAs

Because of the idea of Roth IRAs, $265 billion in savings has been taxed once and will never be taxed again.


Governor Pete du Pont – R.I.P.

With Gratitude to Governor du Pont, who has worked with John and Jeanette Goodman for many years.

Lockdowns Had Near-Zero Impact on COVID-19 Deaths

A meta-analysis published by the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics found a variety of restrictions to stop deaths from COVID-19 had little to no effect and instead caused more damage by imposing “enormous economic and social costs.”

First Annual Awards Dinner

On Tuesday, 11 September 2021, The Goodman Institute is proud to host our first annual Awards Dinner at 1225 N. Riverfront Blvd in Texas!

Meet the Experts

Scholars and leading thinkers in Health Care, Economics and Policy.

Welcome to the Goodman Institute

Leveraging People, Money, and Ideas.

Texans Back to Work Task Force

The Texans Back to Work Task Force report will work hand in hand with Governor Greg Abbott’s Strike Force to Open Texas to ensure our state’s economy is once again the job creator for the nation and a powerful force in the global marketplace.

Recent Commentaries

What’s New

What Should Be Done with Obamacare?

What Should Be Done with Obamacare?

No objective observer can think that Obamacare is working the way we were promised it would. It is time for bipartisan reform. John Goodman proposes reforms that would turn the (Obamacare) exchanges into functional markets.

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Fact Checking Claims About Taxes

Fact Checking Claims About Taxes

Here are four surprising facts: (1) the subject on which there is the most disinformation is “taxes”; (2) almost all the disinformation comes from the left; (3) it is spread to the general public by the mainstream media; and (4) it is almost never fact-checked. More.

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11 Billion Prices

11 Billion Prices

In 2011, Tom Saving and John Goodman pointed out in Health Affairs that Medicare was setting 6 billion prices on any given day. Writing at Forbes, Goodman says that today that number has almost doubled — to 11 billion. And the way Medicare pays, is the way employers and insurance companies also pay. Of all the things that are bad about our health care system, this probably should rank near the top. Yet it rarely gets the attention it deserves. See: What’s Wrong with the Way We Pay Doctors?

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Public Policy Research

Leveraging People,
Money and Ideas

Our Role in Tax Reform

Goodman Institute scholars Laurence Kotlikoff and Alan Auerbach were the intellectual source of the Ryan/Brady (“Better Way”) tax reform proposal. They are also the leading intellectual defenders of tax reform, drawing on the most sophisticated and accurate economic models that exist.

Our Role in Health Reform

We are witnessing a radical transformation of the U.S. health care system. Although health care is the most regulated market in our economy, we have recently witnessed massive deregulation — partly in response to the coronavirus threat. These changes were only possible because of three years of prior effort by the Trump administration. Many of the core ideas were pioneered by Goodman Institute health economists.

New Partnership: Health Care News

The Goodman Institute for Public Policy has agreed to partner with Heartland to ensure the newspaper’s survival going forward. This new partnership could not have come at a better time. Polls consistently show that healthcare is the number one issue with voters.

The Health Blog

For many years, our health care blog was the only free enterprise health policy blog on the internet. Then, when the NCPA closed its doors, the health blog stopped as well.

During this five-year hiatus no one else has come forward to claim the space. So, my colleagues and I have decided to restart the blog in connection with the Goodman Institute. We invite you and others to use this forum to share your views.

Debater Resources

John Goodman grew up in Waco, TX and participated in high school debate competitions around the state of Texas. John was quite successful and won several statewide tournaments.  This experience served him later in life when he became a TV debating partner of conservative polemicist William F. Buckley. Dr. Goodman’s interest in speech and debate has never waned and he is excited to share some in-depth thoughts and ideas on current debate topics. 

Health Care Briefing With Newt Gingrich

Former Congresswoman Nan Hayworth, Newt Gingrich and I discuss healthcare in the next election and beyond. Newt and I have a mutual admiration society that goes back many years. Newt has always been an outlier among Republican politicians when it comes to the topic of health care – aggressively searching for solutions instead of avoiding the subject.

Sessions Health Care Bill:

  • Creates a new optional federal health insurance tax credit that is generous, universal, portable, and the same amount for everyone regardless of income,
  • Allows employers and their employees to maintain their current employer-provided health insurance tax status, if preferred,
  • Creates a new “Roth” style Health Savings Account to pay for health care expenses,
  • Allows employees to have a 24/7 direct primary care doctor of their choice.
  • Permanently expands telehealth availability, and
  • Promote price transparency and competition.

Our Scholars

Read the most recent commentaries available in the
nation’s most important news publications.

John Goodman

Larry Kotlikoff

Thomas Saving

Devon Herrick

Linda Gorman

All Experts


What They
Are Saying

Many years ago I read a book called Patient Power. It was… written by Musgrave and Goodman. John Goodman is… known as the Father of Health Savings Accounts.

Sean Hannity

American commentator

They’ve developed innovative ideas on how to create a better health system, a less expensive health system, a health system with more access for well over two decades.

Newt Gingrich

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives

John Goodman is the leading expert on free market proposals for probably the most dysfunctional 1/6th of our economy that exists. He does a spectacular job.

Jeb Bush

Former Governor of Florida

Our Priorities

The Goodman Institute is doing work not done by any other organization – especially in the areas of tax, health care and entitlement policy. Without our work the nation might not have obtained tax reform. Now we need to defend it.

We work with the best scholars from around the country on the nation’s most difficult public policy problems. Our mission is to find private alternatives to government programs that aren’t working. Ideas have enormous potential to change the course of human events.



Think Tank
