
Why Is There Global Poverty?
It’s a “moral outrage,” Barack Obama told the United Nations delegates last week. He was speaking about the fact that 800 million men, women and children in the world scrape by on less than $1.25 a day and that billions of people are at risk of dying from preventable diseases.

Counter Revolution From The Left: Corbyn, Sanders And Krugman
What we call the Reagan Revolution was not just a US phenomenon. Beginning in the last quarter of the 20th century there was massive political change all over the world.

Health Care Reform: Do other countries have the Answer?
This study demolishes myths about international health care comparisons, including the myth that the U.S. system costs twice as much as the system of other countries.

Cutting Disability Costs in Half: Evidence from Chile
Chile’s disability system costs about half of what the disability system costs in the United States and Europe, due to privatization and better incentives.

Unemployment Insurance in a Free Society
By using individual accounts and better incentives, Chile has discovered a far better way to hedge against the risks of unemployment.

Medical Savings Accounts in South Africa
South Africa has had Medial Savings Accounts since 1993. More than half of private insurance in that country consists of MSA plans.

Lives at Risk: Single-Payer National Health Insurance Around the World
Most national health care systems are in a state of sustained internal crisis as costs rise and the stated goals of universal access and quality care are not met. In almost all cases, the reason is the same: the politics of medicine. The problems of government-run health care systems flow inexorably from the fact that they are government-run rather than market driven.