John Goodman and Len Nichols Debate: What Most Needs Changing In Obamacare

18 Feb 2015 | Media, Media Releases


DALLAS, TX, March 18 -­‐ Billed as “The Great Debate,” John Goodman and Len Nichols will square off at a major health care conference in San Antonio on Thursday. Nichols worked on HillaryCare and has advised Democrats in Congress and many Democratic candidates over the past 25 years. Goodman is considered the “Father of Health Savings Accounts” and often advises Republicans.

What are the worst problems with the Affordable Care Act? Can they be fixed or do we need a wholesale repeal and replace? Can Democrats and Republicans agree on how to go forward? These are questions the two speakers will be asked to answer.

The debate will take place at 12:15 pm at the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel, located at 101 Bowie Street, San Antonio, TX 78205, as part of the 20th annual meeting of the Independent Physicians Association of America.

In his new book, A Better Choice, Goodman says both Democrats and Republicans will need to cooperate to find solutions for six major problems that will require legislative action:

  1. A mandate that forces the private sector to buy health coverage whose costs will grow faster than our
  2. A system of arbitrary and (often unfair) subsidies that are wreaking havoc in industries that employ below-­‐average wage workers.
  3. Perverse incentives for health plans that cause them to avoid the sick and attract the healthy, resulting in a “race to the bottom” in the ObamaCare
  4. Perverse incentives for the health insurance buyers, causing them to remain uninsured while healthy and to seek insurance once they get
  5. A tattered health care safety net that will have fewer resources to handle an expanded patient load.
  6. Cuts in Medicare that threatens access to care and quality of care for the elderly and the

About John C. Goodman

Dr.  Goodman,  an  author,  health  economist,  and  Senior  Fellow   at  The  Independent  Institute  is considered the “Father of Health Savings Accounts” and serves as president of the Goodman Institute, a think tank that focuses on the areas of health care, taxes and entitlement reform. Goodman served as  the  founder  and  president  of  the  Dallas-­‐based  National  Center  for  Policy  Analysis  (NCPA)  for  31 years,  and  regularly  appears  on  television  and  radio  news  programs,  including  those  on  Fox  News Channel,  CNN,  PBS,  Fox  Business  Network  and  CNBC.  His  articles  appear  in  The Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, USA Today, Forbes, National Review, Health Affairs, Kaiser Health News  and other   national   publications.   Currently   Goodman   is   working   with   members   of   Congress   on   an alternative to ObamaCare.


Media Contact:

Waylon Tate
J.Waylon & Associates, LLC

O: 972 457 3665 | M: 214 763 3910

John C. Goodman is President of the Goodman Institute and Senior Fellow at The Independent Institute. His books include the soon-to-be-published updated edition of Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis, the widely acclaimed A Better Choice: Healthcare Solutions for America, and New Way to Care: Social Protections that Put Families First. The Wall Street Journal and National Journal, among other media, have called him the “Father of Health Savings Accounts.”