
Kotlikoff in The Hill: The U.S. is Broke

Kotlikoff in The Hill: The U.S. is Broke

Under Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement programs, the US government has an unfunded liability of about $200 trillion. Add that to conventional measure of debt and our true debt to GDP ratio is 1,025%!

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The Surprisingly Good ‘Republican’ Tax Plan

The Surprisingly Good ‘Republican’ Tax Plan

The just-announced Republican tax plan is essentially the House “Better Way” plan proposed in June 2016. The business part of the tax reform transforms our corporate tax into a business cash flow tax (BCFT) by moving to full expensing and restricting interest deductibility.

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Should I Rent or Own?

Should I Rent or Own?

There’s a shiny new high-rise in Boston. It’s strikingly beautiful, with deep blue glass that reflects the sky. The other day I drove past the new tower and saw the huge sign: “To rent or own, call …”

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