The biggest economies by the end of the century would be sub-Saharan Africa, followed by the India, followed by the Middle East, followed by China.
Kotlikoff in The Hill: The U.S. is Broke
Under Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement programs, the US government has an unfunded liability of about $200 trillion. Add that to conventional measure of debt and our true debt to GDP ratio is 1,025%!
Goodman in DMN: Cutting the corporate tax rate will boost the economy
As the House and the Senate hash out their differences, it now appears that for the first time in 31 years, we are going to get major reform of our federal income tax system.
House, Senate Bills Beat Current Tax Policy but are Far From Perfect
Both the Senate and House Republicans have now spoken about their preferred tax reforms. The differences between them are relatively minor.
Tax Reform Passes the Fairness Test
The GOP tax plan should do three things. It should expand the economy while raising wages. It should pay for itself. And it should be fair.
Lawrence Summers’ Hatchet Jobs On Tax Reform And Kevin Hassett
Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers wrote an op ed for the Washington Post on October 8 calling the Trump Administration’s tax plan “an atrocity.”
The Surprisingly Good ‘Republican’ Tax Plan
The just-announced Republican tax plan is essentially the House “Better Way” plan proposed in June 2016. The business part of the tax reform transforms our corporate tax into a business cash flow tax (BCFT) by moving to full expensing and restricting interest deductibility.
Has Equifax Just Jeopardized Your And 143 Million Other Americans’ Social Security Benefits?
Equifax’s security breach, which occurred on July 29th, but was not disclosed for six weeks, gave criminals access to up to 143 million of our Social Security numbers.
Using Game Theory To Handle North Korea
John Von Neumann, the inventor of game theory, developed this powerful analytical method for the field of economics. But he immediately understood its application to conflict, including warfare.
Should I Rent or Own?
There’s a shiny new high-rise in Boston. It’s strikingly beautiful, with deep blue glass that reflects the sky. The other day I drove past the new tower and saw the huge sign: “To rent or own, call …”